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nutritious foods

About Us


Old Paths Natural Market is a Christian owned and operated locally owned enterprise offering a variety of medicinal herbs, other natural products and well sourced quality nutritional supplements. Our products contain no chemicals, no preservatives (which may limit shelf life) and nothing artificial. Regina Tyndall, owner/operator, is a certified Nutritional Consultant and Christian Herbalist.

We believe as the psalmist says in Psalms 104:14 that herbs were given for the service of man. What a blessing we have in the natural things God has given us, and this includes more than herbs, as He has also given us oils and other supplements to herbal remedies. We also hold fast to the belief that food can be a medicine or a poison. In the complicated world of food in the United States, poor food choices often lead to the increase of degenerative diseases we see, especially in our children. Doctors are also a wonderful gift, but they are of little use to us until we reach a point of diagnosis and disease. We believe in prevention through diet and lifestyle.

Americans are spending over $2.5 trillion a year on health care. Prescription drugs alone are costing families over $250 billion annually. With the rising cost of health care, the anticipated shortage of health care providers, and the unhealthy effects of synthetic drugs, many are taking charge of their family's health. We want to assist them. They are looking for less expensive, more readily available, and less dangerous alternatives to modern medicine. Considering most disease is the result of lifestyle choices, a suitable nutritional plan specific to your bio-individuality, may prevent the need for medical intervention. If medical conditions are already present and the medical community turns to drugs (chemicals), surgery and profit, sometimes there are *other options that replace, support or supplement these artificial therapies available to you through Old Paths Natural Wellness. Seek the Lord while He may be found, and return to the old paths, where the way is GOOD (Jeremiah 6:16). Old Path's Natural Wellness believes that a healthier lifestyle exists for those that are willing to take the steps necessary to care for their own bodies. We also believe that your body was designed by God just as nature was designed by Him. "For You formed my inward parts; You covered me in my mother's womb. I will praise You, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made; Marvelous are Your works..." (Psalm 139:13-14). For this reason, treating your body with natural products will promote health and healing that is superior to complex chemicals with their detrimental side effects. Our desire is to provide you with the right products and the right information for you to take control of your health. We look forward to serving you and answer any questions you may have. Blessings to you.  *not intended to be medical advice, please talk to your healtcare provider before taking supplements.*

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